believably Riosucio ECOSHELTA has long been part of the sustainable building revolution and makes high quality architect designed, environ­mentally minimal impact, pre­fabricated, modular buildings, using latest technologies. Our state of the art building system has been used for cabins, houses, studios, eco-tourism acco­mmodation and villages. We make beautiful spaces, the applications are endless, the potential exciting.

A large scale industrial commercial building in three wings, high open naturally vented winery, earth bermed cold dark cellar, and a commercial cellar door sales area – using a modified Ecoshelta alloy frame system for the front wings and combined with precast concrete frame and vault cellar with rammed earth walls. The main winery had a twisted plane roof form and was over 12m high, with lime rendered straw bale walls 60m long and 6m high.

July 29th, 2016

Posted In: Projects

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