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By N. Olivier. Miami University of Ohio. 2018.

These estimates were lower than those reported in trials where the mean difference in weight gain was over 3 kg buy diovan 160 mg with amex pulse pressure refers to, and the relative risk of ≥ 7% weight gain was more than 2 buy cheap diovan 40 mg online blood pressure medication for young adults. Reasons for this discrepancy might be that accuracy and completeness of data collection in trials may be superior and that trial populations may include more patients with recent onset of disease. Our stratified analysis found that for patients with first-episode symptoms the difference in weight gain between olanzapine and risperidone was much greater (5. Similarly, the risk of having ≥ 7% increase in weight was over 3 in these studies, with the number needed to harm being 4. Comparisons of weight gain between olanzapine and immediate-release quetiapine had 320, 322, 325, 326 heterogenous results in 4 studies (Table 12). The Canadian National Outcomes 322 Measurement Study in Schizophrenia (CNOMSS) reported a lower weight gain and fewer patients with a weight gain of ≥ 7% of starting weight with olanzapine compared with immediate-release quetiapine, while the other 3 studies found the results favored immediate- 320, 325, 326 release quetiapine. Pooled analysis resulted in a statistically significantly greater amount of weight gain (2. The variation in the study findings, including the fact that 1 study reported that no patients on immediate-release quetiapine had a weight gain of ≥ 7%, resulted in statistically significant heterogeneity such that a random effects model was presented and we interpreted the results cautiously. Examination of baseline characteristics and mean dose revealed that in the CNOMSS study the mean duration of illness was 14 years in the olanzapine group and 7 years in the immediate-release quetiapine group. It was possible that this difference influenced the findings. The other studies report no more than a difference in mean duration of 1. Weight gain and risk of weight gain among patients with first-episode symptoms of schizophrenia was greater with olanzapine compared with immediate-release quetiapine, with 108 similar estimates to the olanzapine compared with risperidone analysis. Atypical antipsychotic drugs Page 75 of 230 Final Report Update 3 Drug Effectiveness Review Project Table 12. Relative difference in weight gain after ≥ 6 months: Olanzapine compared with risperidone or immediate-release quetiapine Mean difference in weight gain Odds of weight gain ≥7% Study (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) Relative risk 2. A small (12 week) naturalistic study reported weight outcomes for clozapine among 177 patients treated with clozapine, olanzapine, or risperidone. This study found mean weight gain to be 5 kg among those taking clozapine compared with 2 kg for olanzapine and 0. Body mass index also increased more with clozapine (mean 1. Analyses did not adjust for important differences among groups such as duration of illness and numbers of hospitalizations. In a systematic review conducted by the makers of ziprasidone, data from short-term (< 6 329 months) and long-term studies was combined. We rated this review as poor quality because the primary studies were described in insufficient detail, were not critically appraised for quality, and it appeared that trials were combined with observational studies. The meta-regression methods were suboptimal as well in that potential effects of age, sex, and body mass index were not included in the regression model and the analysis was conducted based largely on extrapolated data. In a pooled analysis of 4 placebo-controlled trials, the impact of olanzapine on weight in 330 adults was compared with the impact in adolescents. In CATIE Phase 1, immediate-release quetiapine resulted in greater negative 60 effects on serum lipids than risperidone or ziprasidone, but less than olanzapine. A small, short-term trial of inpatients assessed changes in serum triglycerides among 25 patients assigned to olanzapine, immediate-release quetiapine, risperidone, or clozapine. Serum triglycerides were elevated significantly at 6 weeks in the olanzapine (+31. The difference across the groups was statistically significant (P<0. In the 6-week phase of a trial comparing ziprasidone to olanzapine, changes in total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides significantly favored 75 ziprasidone. When olanzapine and ziprasidone groups were compared, median increases in total cholesterol (+19. Differences in serum lipids reached statistical significance for triglycerides (+79.

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Sh iftworkersandoth er individualswith ch angingsleep sch eduleswere alsoexcluded diovan 160mg online pulse pressure 85. Th e patientswere notexcludedifth ey experiencedanysecondarycausesof insomniasuch asdepression purchase 160mg diovan fast delivery pulse pressure too low,sleep apnea,orrestlesslegssyndrome. C h aracteristics ofactive controltrials ofnewerinsom niadrugs A uth or,year InclusionCriteria ExclusionCriteria Demograph ics Screened W ith drawn Study Interventions (Q uality) Eligible L ostto followup Duration Enrolled A nalyzed L iu,1997 O utpatientswh osufferedfrom insomnia Patientswith psych osesormood M eanage (SD): N R/ 0/ 14 days Z opiclone; (Poor) formore th an3 month s,with atleast3 disorders,h istoryofsevere ph ysical 40. O th erdisqualifyingcases latencyof>= 45 min,totalnocturnal specificallyincludedwomenofch ild sleeptime of<6 h ours,morning bearingpotentialandsubjectswith awakeningatleast90 minearlierth an h istoriesofdrugabuse orallergic expectedtime,orth ree ormore reactionstoh ypnotic-sedative drugs. A llsubjectswere requiredtobe free ofcentrallyacting drugsforatleast3 month sbefore startingth e study. Subjectsh adtobe with in20% ofnormalbodyweigh tand onlymoderate usersofalcoh ol. A lcoh olabuse or intake ofh ypnoticsoranxiolyticsand/or antidepressantsinth e sevendaysprior toth e baseline periodalsoledto exclusion. C h aracteristics ofactive controltrials ofnewerinsom niadrugs A uth or,year InclusionCriteria ExclusionCriteria Demograph ics Screened W ith drawn Study Interventions (Q uality) Eligible L ostto followup Duration Enrolled A nalyzed N air,1990 (a)sleeplatencyof30minormore,(b) O rganicillnessinterferingwith sleep, M eanage (SD): N R/ / 7 days Z opiclone; (F air) twoormore nocturnalawakeningswith seriouspsych iatricillness,mental 46. Race/eth nicity:N R 60 ; ; N gen,1990 Subjectsmustbe between18 and70 (a)seriousconcomitantdisease,(b) M eanage (SD): N R/ 16/ 14 days Z opiclone; (F air) yearsofage andmusth ave one ofth e likelytorequire concomitantmedication 38. C h aracteristics ofactive controltrials ofnewerinsom niadrugs A uth or,year InclusionCriteria ExclusionCriteria Demograph ics Screened W ith drawn Study Interventions (Q uality) Eligible L ostto followup Duration Enrolled A nalyzed Pagot,1993 twoofth e followingsymptoms:sleep Patientswh osh owedsleepdisorders M eanage (SD):48 ( N R/ 33/ 86 days Z olpidem; (F air) onsetlatencyofmore th an30 minutes; associatedwith severe psych iatric ); more th antwonocturnalawakenings; disorders,sleepapnea,sleep-related totaldurationofsleepoflessth an6 myoclonus,orinsomniath ath ad h ours;ortotalnocturnalwake-time of developedduringch ildh ood,andth ose more th an20 minutes. Pregnantwomenandwomen ofch ildbearingpotentialwh owere not takingadequate contraceptive precautionswere alsoexcluded,aswere nursingmoth ersandth ose patientsin wh om adequate compliance couldnot be expected. Patientswere excludedif th eywere receivinganytreatmentth at couldh ave aninfluence onsleeponset. Patientswith ah istoryofdrug sleepquality,and/ormore th an2 use,th ose with excessive alcoh ol nocturnalawakenings. Patientsh adto consumption(<1 litre ofwine/day,or be with innormalrangesforbodyweigh t, equivalent)pregnantornursingwomen cardiacandh aematologicalvariables. C h aracteristics ofactive controltrials ofnewerinsom niadrugs A uth or,year InclusionCriteria ExclusionCriteria Demograph ics Screened W ith drawn Study Interventions (Q uality) Eligible L ostto followup Duration Enrolled A nalyzed Q uadens, Th e subjectsacceptedforth e study (1)weigh tunder45 kgorover75 kg;(2) M eanage (SD):N R N R/ 0/ 13 days Z opiclone; 1983 (Poor) were aged50-59 yearsandcomplained ch ronicuse ofdrugsoralcoh ol;(3) (); ofinsomniaforatleast2 month. Tobe admissiontoh ospitalwith inth e 3 validth e complaintswere toinclude two month sprecedingth e recruitingforth e ormore ofth e followingcriteria:(1) trial;(4)mentalretardation;(5)ph ysical sleeponsetlatencyequaltoorlonger orpsych iatricdisability,and(6) th an30 min;(2)totalsleepingtime treatmentalteringth e absorption, during;(3)numberofnocturnal metabolism,orexcretionofth e drugs awakeningsequaltoorh igh erth an3; andsusceptible toalterth e evaluationof (4)totalwakingtime duringth e nigh t th e h ypnoticeffects. C h aracteristics ofactive controltrials ofnewerinsom niadrugs A uth or,year InclusionCriteria ExclusionCriteria Demograph ics Screened W ith drawn Study Interventions (Q uality) Eligible L ostto followup Duration Enrolled A nalyzed Rosenberg, Patientsbetween18-80 yearsold,h ave G eneralexclusioncriteriawere M eanage (SD):54 ( N R/ 5/ 14 days Z olpidem; 1994 (Poor) h adinsomniaforatlease one week psych iatricdisease requiringmedication,); complyingwith atleasttwoofth e insomniabecause ofwell-defined followingcriteria:1)h ave more th an illness,andtreatmentwith h ypnoticsor th ree awakeningspernigh t,2)sleeping BZ Dswith infourweekspriortoth e time lessth ansixh ourspernigh t,3) study. Th e patientswasexcludedfrom time tofallasleepmore th an30 minutes,dataanalysisifh isdiaryconsistedof and4)awake more th an20 minutes commentsfrom lessth anth ree days,if duringth e nigh t. Th ese subjective syndrome,sleepobstructive apneaof>7 inclusioncriteriah adtobe confirmedby minutesduration);severe internal(h eart, th e objective assessmentth rough renal,liver)diseases;h emocoagulation polysomnograph y. Insomnia 168 of 309 Final Report Update 2 Drug Effectiveness Review Project Evidence Table 5. C h aracteristics ofactive controltrials ofnewerinsom niadrugs A uth or,year InclusionCriteria ExclusionCriteria Demograph ics Screened W ith drawn Study Interventions (Q uality) Eligible L ostto followup Duration Enrolled A nalyzed 55% female; N R/ 2/ Triaz olam; Race/eth nicity:N R 22 20 ; ; Singh ,1990 N R Psych oticandneuroticpatientswere M eanage (SD): N R/ 3/ 24 days Z opiclone (F air) excludedaswellasth ose with ah istory 39. Patientswith any significantmedicalconditioninterfering with sleep,th ose treatmentwh ich could modifydrugkineticswere alsoexcluded. F inally,pregnancy,lactation,andch ild- bearingpotentialnotcontrolledbya recogniz edcontraceptive programme precludedentryinth e study. C h aracteristics ofactive controltrials ofnewerinsom niadrugs A uth or,year InclusionCriteria ExclusionCriteria Demograph ics Screened W ith drawn Study Interventions (Q uality) Eligible L ostto followup Duration Enrolled A nalyzed Steens,1993 M alesandnonpregnantfemalesaged Patientswere excludedifth eyh adbeen M eanage (SD): N R/ 0/ 1 days Z olpidem 5mg; (F air) between35 and69 yearswith mildto h ospitaliz edinth e previous4 weeks,if 58. Insomniamusth ave been th e ECG orrigh th eartfailure clinically,a presentforatleast6 month sandh adto h ematocrit>55% orifth eywere on be associatedwith asleeplatency>30 oxygenth erapy. Th eywere also minutes,sleepdurationof4-6 h oursand excludedifanyofth e followingapplied: daytime complaintsassociatedwith inabilitytobe with drawnfrom h ypnotics disturbedsleep. CO PDmusth ave been forth e requiredtime (2 nigh tsfor presentforatleast3 yearsandobjective triaz olam,7 nigh tsforoth ersh ort-or inclusioncriteriawere,F EV1 40-80% intermediate-actingh ypnoticsand14 predicted,F EV1/F VC=40-70% nigh tsforlong-actingh ypnotics);positive predicted,diffusioncapacity(DL CO ) screeningfordrugs,oth erth an >30% predicted,PaCO 2=30-48mm H g th eoph ylline,know toaltersleep(e. Patientswere benz odiaz epines,barbiturates,opiates, requiredtobe instable ph ysicalh ealth amph etamines,cannabinoidsand foratleast2 weekspriortoenteringth e alcoh ol);medicationsinterferingwith th e study,andeach gave writteninformed absorptionormetabolism of consent. Daytime fatigability,diminish ed powerofconcentrationatwork andat leasttwoofth e followingsymptoms: fallingasleeptime greaterth an30 min, sleepdurationlessth an5 h ours,more th antwoawakeningspernigh tandearly wake upinth e morning. C h aracteristics ofactive controltrials ofnewerinsom niadrugs A uth or,year InclusionCriteria ExclusionCriteria Demograph ics Screened W ith drawn Study Interventions (Q uality) Eligible L ostto followup Duration Enrolled A nalyzed Race/eth nicity:N R 60 50 Placebo; ; Z opiclone; Temaz epam; ; ; Z opiclone; Temaz epam; Placebo; ; Tamminen, Patientsaged18 to70 yearswith sleep K nownh ypersensitivityto M eanage (SD):47 ( N R/ 0/ 42 days Z opiclone; 1987 (Poor) disturbancesforatleast3 month sprior benz odiaz epines,majorpsych iatric ); toentrance intoth e trialwere included. A tleasttwoof with th e assessments,knownalcoh olism th e followingcriteriah adtobe presentin ordrugaddiction,pregnantwomenor untreatedpatients(th eyalsoh adto womenwh omaybecome pregnant h ave beenpresentpriortotreatmentin duringth e trial,frequentintakesofoth er treatedcases):latencyofsleeponset medicationlikelytointerfere with sleep. Th eywere also excludedifth eyh adacute and/orsevere cardiac,respiratory,h epatic,orrenal disease,orh adgastrointestinaldisease orpriorgastrointestinalsurgery,ifth ey h adknowntolerance toz opiclone or triaz olam,orifth eyh adh ypersensitivity todrugs.

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The PRoFESS trial: future impact on secondary stroke prevention buy 40mg diovan free shipping prehypertension heart attack. Diener H-C 80 mg diovan with amex atrial flutter treatment, Sacco R, Yusuf S, Steering C, Group PRS. Rationale, design and baseline data of a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial comparing two antithrombotic regimens (a fixed-dose combination of extended-release dipyridamole 2 plus ASA with clopidogrel) and telmisartan versus placebo in patients with strokes: the Prevention Regimen for Effectively Avoiding Second Strokes Trial (PRoFESS). Effects of aspirin plus extended-release dipyridamole versus clopidogrel and telmisartan on disability and cognitive function after recurrent stroke in patients with ischaemic stroke in the Prevention Regimen for 2 Effectively Avoiding Second Strokes (PRoFESS) trial: a double-blind, active and placebo-controlled study. RACTS: a prospective randomized antiplatelet trial of cilostazol versus ticlopidine in patients undergoing coronary stenting: long-term 3 clinical and angiographic outcome. Prasugrel versus clopidogrel in Asian patients with acute 5 Newer antiplatelet agents 81 of 98 Final Update 2 Report Drug Effectiveness Review Project Exclusion Excluded studies code coronary syndromes: design and rationale of a multi-dose, pharmacodynamic, phase 3 clinical trial. Cilostazol improves long-term outcomes after coronary 3 stent implantation. Comparison of ticagrelor, the first reversible oral P2Y(12) receptor antagonist, with clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndromes: Rationale, design, and baseline characteristics of the PLATelet inhibition 3 and patient Outcomes (PLATO) trial. Randomized comparison of cilostazol versus ticlopidine hydrochloride for antiplatelet therapy after coronary stent 3 implantation for prevention of late restenosis. Effects of cilostazol on the drug-eluting stent in native 3 coronary arteries. Effects of cilostazol on late lumen loss and repeat revascularization after Palmaz-Schatz coronary stent implantation. Comparison of cilostazol and clopidogrel after successful coronary stenting. Efficacy and safety of prasugrel compared with clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndromes: results of TRITON-TIMI 38 5 trials. Effect of the novel thienopyridine prasugrel compared with clopidogrel on spontaneous and procedural myocardial infarction in the Trial to Assess Improvement in Therapeutic Outcomes by Optimizing Platelet 2 Inhibition with Prasugrel-Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 38: an application of the classification system from the universal definition of myocardial infarction. Reduction in recurrent cardiovascular events with prasugrel compared with clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary 5 syndromes from the TRITON-TIMI 38 trial. Nagaoka N, Matsubara T, Okazaki K, Masuda N, Shikaura K, Hotta A. Comparison of ticlopidine and cilostazol for the prevention of restenosis after percutaneous 3 transluminal coronary angioplasty. Impact of cilostazol on clinical and angiographic outcome after primary stenting for acute myocardial infarction. The efficacy and safety of prasugrel with and without a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor in patients with acute coronary syndromes undergoing percutaneous intervention: a TRITON-TIMI 38 (Trial to Assess 5 Improvement in Therapeutic Outcomes by Optimizing Platelet Inhibition With Prasugrel-Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction 38) analysis. A paclitaxel-eluting stent for the prevention of coronary restenosis. Comparison of cilostazol versus ticlopidine therapy 3 after stent implantation. Effects of cilostazol on angiographic restenosis 3 after coronary stent placement. Sep 1 Newer antiplatelet agents 82 of 98 Final Update 2 Report Drug Effectiveness Review Project Exclusion Excluded studies code 2000;86(5):499-503. Angiographic and clinical outcomes among patients with acute coronary syndromes presenting with isolated anterior ST-segment depression: a TRITON-TIMI 38 (Trial to Assess Improvement in Therapeutic 3 Outcomes by Optimizing Platelet Inhibition With Prasugrel-Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction 38) substudy. Effect of prasugrel versus clopidogrel on outcomes among patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention without stent implantation: a TRial to assess Improvement in 5 Therapeutic Outcomes by optimizing platelet inhibitioN with prasugrel (TRITON)- Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) 38 substudy. Sekiguchi M, Hoshizaki H, Adachi H, Ohshima S, Taniguchi K, Kurabayashi M. Effects of antiplatelet agents on subacute thrombosis and restenosis after successful 3 coronary stenting: a randomized comparison of ticlopidine and cilostazol. Incidence of dyspnea and assessment of cardiac and pulmonary function in patients with stable coronary artery disease 3 receiving ticagrelor, clopidogrel, or placebo in the ONSET/OFFSET study. Effect of cilostazol in preventing restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Takeyasu N, Watanabe S, Noguchi Y, Ishikawa K, Fumikura Y, Yamaguchi I.

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Typically purchase diovan 160mg fast delivery blood pressure lowering herbs, patients with plasma cell months) cheap diovan 160mg free shipping exo heart attack, amyloidosis, or symptomatic hyperviscosity. This review focuses on plasma lower limit of normal), and bone lesions (lytic lesions, severe cell MGUS and SMM. IMWG diagnostic criteria The 2 known precursors to multiple myeloma, MGUS and SMM, from 2010 established SMM as serum M-protein 3 g/dL and/or were first described by Kyle and Greipp in 1978 and 1980, clonal plasma cell population in BM 10% and lack of end-organ respectively, as the presence of an M-protein in the serum and/or damage (CRAB criteria). In contrast to these laboratory-based definitions, a diagnosis of Based on the prospective Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian multiple myeloma is based on the clinical assessment of myeloma- (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial, annual serum samples were 478 American Society of Hematology Table 1. Current criteria and future directions for the definition of seem to correlate with disease progression from myeloma precursor multiple myeloma and its precursor states disease of MGUS and SMM. For example, in one study, 10% 52 genes were investigated in plasma cells derived from healthy No end-organ damage* SMM Serum M-protein 3 g/dL and/or light-chain controls, MGUS, SMM, and multiple myeloma patients; the investi- restricted BM plasma cells 10% gators showed that hierarchical clustering identified 4 groups from No end-organ damage* GEP analysis. The percentage of plasma cells is low (by End-organ damage* definition 10%), so that there is significant contamination with other kinds of cells despite selection of CD138 cells on magnetic Based on expert discussions at the IMWG meeting in Stockholm in June 2013, it is anticipatedthatupdatedconsensuscriteriawillbedefinedinthenearfuture. In addition, in MGUS patients—unlike in multiple myeloma studies suggest that additional features such as BM plasmacytosis 60%,48 an patients—monoclonal plasma cells are likely to be significantly abnormal sFLC ratio 100 (involved kappa) or 0. Until we have *One or many of the following features: hypercalcemia with calcium level 11. Among 71 patients who (through loss of heterozygosity, gene amplification, mutation, or during a 10-year follow-up time developed multiple myeloma, epigenetic changes) additional genetic hits over time. Based on current nant clonal population and fail to take into account the presence of standard technologies (eg, FISH), the molecular makeup of my- 24,25 intratumoral subclonal heterogeneity. Using single nucleotide eloma precursor disease states and multiple myeloma are strikingly polymorphism–based mapping arrays, a progressive increase in the similar and no defining molecular features unique to multiple incidence of copy number abnormalities from MGUS to SMM and myeloma have been identified. In addition, the transformative to multiple myeloma (median 5, 7. The hyperdiploid group includes recurrent tri- somies with 48-74 chromosomes. IgH rearrangements were found at similar preva- lence rates among 78/189 (41%) MGUS, 44/125 (35%) SMM, and from MGUS/SMM to multiple myeloma is likely, from a Darwinian- 183/398 (46%) multiple myeloma patients. Based on this understand- myeloma patients compared with MGUS patients (25%), studies ing, it is becoming increasingly plausible that, after disease initia- suggest a higher frequency among patients with t(4,14) and t(4,16) tion, the molecular events that are necessary for myeloma develop- rearrangements. Indeed, the BM microenvironment consists of 3 components: the cellular component (hematopoietic and nonhema- topoietic cells, including the vasculature); the extracellular matrix component (fibrous proteins, proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans, and small integrin-binding ligand N-linked glycoproteins [SIBLING]); and the soluble component (cytokines, growth factors, adhesion molecules, and other factors). Shared positive and negative interactions among a range of cells in the BM (such as: stromal cells, osteoclasts, osteoblasts, immune cells (T lymphocytes, dendritic cells), other hematopoietic cells and their precursors, and vascular endothelial cells34,35) are mediated by a variety of adhesion molecules, cyto- kines, and receptors. Additional stimuli such as hypoxia result in activation of HIF-1 and secretion of VEGF. Such aspects include homing to the BM, spread to secondary BM sites by the bloodstream, generation of paracrine factors (eg, IL-6, IGF-1, and APRIL), osteoclastogenesis, inhibition of osteogenesis, humoral and cellular immunodeficiency, angiogenesis, and ane- Figure 1. However, it is more likely that the pathway to myeloma is qualitatively similar to those of abnormal plasma cells; however, in through branching pathways typical of those that are associated with the MGUS/SMM, the composition of cells in the BM microenviron- evolution of species (B). The key molecular events leading to disease ment is altered. This simple branching model clearly has implications for cells, if the altered composition of cells in the BM microenviron- targeted treatment because the multiple distinct subclones could lead to ment precedes proliferation/activation of abnormal plasma cells, or differential responses to treatment. Reprinted with permission from if there is a combination of these mechanisms. The sFLC ratio has been used as a prognostic indicator both in patients Little is known about the epigenetic changes necessary for progres- with MGUS37 and SMM. Based on recent advances in immunophenotyping plasma cells and The BM microenvironment plays a key role in MGUS/SMM measuring sFLC, 2 independent risk stratification schemes for initiation and propagation. At 20 years, patients with risk-factor models, the most recently updated 2010 IMWG guide- no risk factors had a 5% risk of progression compared with 21%, lines6 propose the following clinical management of individuals 37%, and 58% for patients with 1, 2, or 3 risk factors, respectively. Recently, a study screening for sFLC abnormalities without a detectable M-protein found a much lower risk of progression to multiple myeloma compared with conventional MGUS. At 5 years, risk of progression to multiple myeloma Aggressive disease monitoring is based on whether patients fit into was 25%, 51%, and 76% for patients with 1, 2 or 3 risk factors, MGUS or SMM precursor disease and the above outlined risk 8,38 factors in the Mayo Clinic model and Spanish study group model.

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