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By E. Chenor. Syracuse University. 2018.

Long before the current challenges of the growing organized international university exchange programs and projects discount 120 mg silvitra overnight delivery erectile dysfunction caused by lipitor, Vainio made unbelievable efforts to- ward a better understanding and relationship between colleagues around the orthopedic world generic 120mg silvitra amex erectile dysfunction pills side effects, with special reference to his life’s work—the operative treatment of the rheumatoid limb as an integrated part of the overall plan for the rheuma- toid patient. He is said to have established a 341 Who’s Who in Orthopedics school of about 1,000 residents and visitors from 1939. From 1938 to 1939, Verbiest studied neu- Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Great Britain, rosurgery in Paris. The outbreak of World War II Israel, Japan, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, forced him to return to Utrecht where, because of and the United States at his department in Heinola wartime conditions, he was appointed head of the until his retirement in 1975. After the war, Ver- Anniversary Vainio Meeting in Heinola was biest became well known for his research, for his attended by 50 international specialists in clinical acumen, and for his surgical skills. He was During his career Verbiest received many a man with innumerable friends and spare-time honors from his own government and from the activities. At a rather early stage in his orthope- international neurosurgical community. He is, dic career, Vainio drew fundamental guidelines perhaps, best remembered for his description of for the operative treatment of the rheumatoid spinal stenosis. One of the classic symptoms of deformities of the foot based on a thorough clas- spinal stenosis, intermittent claudication of the sification of the typical abnormalities and their spine, is called Verbiest’s syndrome. Jean VERBRUGGE 1896–1964 Henk VERBIEST The Belgian medical world, and especially its 1909–1997 orthopedic surgeons, mourn the passing of an eminent surgeon, a good man, and an incompara- Henk Verbiest was born in Rotterdam in 1909. After brilliant intermediary studies at student, Verbiest did research in pigeons on Antwerp, he graduated and gained his degree, in several neurological problems. After graduation, 1921, as a doctor of medicine, surgeon, and obste- Verbiest worked in the department of neurology trician from the University of Brussels, with the until 1937. He was almost immediately this period, he was granted a doctoral degree in awarded a scholarship as a Fellow of the Com- 342 Who’s Who in Orthopedics mittee for Relief in Belgium (CRB Educational stances that could and, indeed, would lead to Foundation) and spent 2 years, up to 1924, at the forgiveness. Instead, almost fessor Putti in Italy and Professor Leriche in embarrassed, he would say “I do not think that I France. As early as 1925, he started his career at would have set about it that way. For many years, he involved duties and contacts of every description, worked in trusted collaboration with this univer- but the young surgeon fresh from the university sally recognized surgeon, who may be said to received as kind and as amicable a welcome as have been the founder of the modern technique of the VIP. Orthopedic science as well as orthopedic Another characteristic of the man we mourn surgery owes a great deal to Jean Verbrugge, as was the price he attached to friendship. People of evidenced by his numerous books, papers, his generation and younger ones can bear witness reports, lectures—about 175 publications in all. All sorts of render a service, chat with his friends, meet them, honors naturally rewarded his brilliant efforts tease them in a good-natured fashion, such and, as was only to be expected, he was a member appeared to be one of his principal aims in life. In fact, how could such a man have anything but On several occasions, he represented Belgium friends? He was called to the his colleagues of the Société Belge de Chirurgie; presidency of the Belgian Orthopedic Association his attitude was in no way that of a president, stiff no less than three times. He presided over many and solemn, discharging an obligation toward the a congress in Belgium and in other countries in a members of a society: quite the opposite, in fact, smiling good-natured manner, which did not he behaved like a man affectionately surrounded exclude firm action when necessary. The reception was full of to meet socially as he was captivating to listen to warmth and a total success and, each time he and fascinating to follow as a scientist. Tact, spoke to his guests, he called them his “dear frankness, modesty, devotion, honesty, indul- friends,” which was, indeed, the term he used gence, kindness, I do not know which of these when speaking from the platform of a scientific qualities could best be cited as characteristic of society, since he never could imagine that one the man when describing him, for he was blessed could address one’s colleagues differently. But, above all, I think that he was His career and his works, which I have re- naturally of a kind disposition and that, to his rela- called, are not sufficient, however, to depict the tions, his students, his friends, and his colleagues, man of science; the most that one can say is that he was kindness personified. He was kind to his they enable one to sum up his contribution to patients, his friends, his assistants, his colleagues, science. Better still, teacher was clarity: in a few words, he simplified when somebody hurt him, he did not show his dis- a problem and a few movements sufficed to turn tress but confided in some close friend. For in keeping with his honest and indulgent outlook instance, in a clinical case discussion, he would on life and he always sought attenuating circum- enumerate five possibilities and, from that 343 Who’s Who in Orthopedics moment, one could be quite certain that there were no more. He then rejected progressively one after another of the four possible solutions and, finally, there remained only one, which his con- science, his common sense, and his experience told him was the best.

Schultz WR purchase silvitra 120mg without a prescription erectile dysfunction in diabetes management, Weinstein JN order 120mg silvitra amex erectile dysfunction with normal testosterone levels, Weinstein SL (2002) Prophylactic pinning of the contralat- eral hip in slipped capital femoral epiphysis: evaluation of long-term outcome for the contralateral hip with use of decision analysis. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 84A(8): 1305–1314 Part II Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head Osteotomy for Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head: Knowledge from Our Long-Term Treatment Experience at Kyushu University Seiya Jingushi Summary. Many young patients suffer from osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH). For this reason, osteotomy is considered to be an important treatment option, and their survival after osteotomy of the hip is expected to be of long duration. Cases that survived more than 25 years after osteotomy were investigated to reconfirm the principles or the indication based upon our previous experience about osteotomy treatment for ONFH. Fifteen cases were divided into two groups with or without advanced osteoarthritis at the last follow-up and were compared. All the cases with advanced osteoarthritis (OA) had collapse progression. All the cases in which the preoperative stage was advanced were included in those with advanced OA at the last follow-up. In contrast, collapse progression was not observed in the cases without advanced OA at the last follow-up. According to these data, we reconfirmed that collapse progression is the main cause for poor outcome after osteotomy, and that cases operated on at an early stage are apt to experience a good prognosis. When the indication and the operation are appropriate, osteotomy could prevent disease deterioration even more than 25 years after the operation. Osteonecrosis of the femoral head, Osteotomy, Transtrochanteric anterior rotational osteotomy, Collapse, Clinical outcome Introduction Once collapse occurs at the necrosis area of the femoral head, it usually progresses. Collapse causes incongruity and instability of the hip joint, and the progression of collapse causes incongruity and instability to increase and finally results in secondary osteoarthritis (Fig. The purpose of osteotomy for osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) is to prevent the progression of collapse and secondary osteoarthritis. A principle of osteotomy is to support weight-bearing with intact or live bone instead Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, 3-1-1 Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan 79 80 S. The dashed line shows the osteonecrosis area of the femoral head from the anterior view of the necrotic bone and to restore the subluxated femoral head (Fig. In other words, osteotomy is on-site vascularized bone grafting with articular cartilage and with good congruency. Options of osteotomy for ONFH are transtrochanteric anterior or posterior rotational osteotomy (ARO or PRO) developed by Sugioka et al. The treatment option is chosen depending on the lesion of osteonecrosis or on where and how wide is the osteonecrosis area in the femoral head. Especially for young patients, oste- otomy is an important treatment option to be considered, and they are expected to survive for a long time after their hip osteotomy. Sugioka developed transtrochanteric rotational osteotomy Long-Term Experience of Osteotomy for Femoral Head Osteonecrosis 81 Fig. Sequential photographs of anterior rotation of the femoral head show a model of ante- rior rotational osteotomy (ARO) with 20° varus position and indicate how ARO results in weight-bearing with the living posterior surface of the femoral head (a–f). According to anterior rotation, the osteotomy line is 10° inclination away from the perpendicular to the neck (a) and 10° ret- roversion. The result is 20° varus position after anterior rotation of the femoral head (f) of the femoral head, so-called “rotational osteotomy” or “Sugioka’s osteotomy”. Anterior rotation of the femoral head with vascularity results in weight-bearing with the live posterior surface of the femoral head (Fig. Experience of Osteotomy in Kyushu University Between 1972 and 1979 The cases that survived more than 25 years after the operation were investigated to reconfirm the principles or the indication based upon our previous experience with osteotomy treatment for ONFH [1,2,4]. Patients and Methods Between 1972 and 1979, 128 patients with idiopathic ONFH underwent osteotomy in our department. Fifteen hips of 9 patients, who had been visiting our outpatient office and had their living hip joints more than 25 years after operation, were examined. One group includes the hips that had advanced or terminal osteoarthritis (OA) at the last follow-up. Age at operation and period after opera- tion were similar in both the groups.

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The course of circulatory and cerebral generally be managed in an intensive care unit and is likely to recovery after circulatory arrest: influence of pre-arrest generic silvitra 120 mg visa erectile dysfunction (ed) - causes symptoms and treatment modalities, arrest need at least a short period of mechanical ventilation order silvitra 120 mg fast delivery erectile dysfunction quran. Early myoclonic status and conscious level does not return rapidly to normal, induced outcome after cardiorespiratory arrest. Predicting longer term neurological outcome in the ● Premachandran S, Redmond AD, Liddle R, Jones JM. Cardiopulmonary arrest in general wards: a retrospective study The initial clinical signs are not reliable indicators. The of referral patterns to an intensive care facility and their duration of the arrest and the duration and degree of influence on outcome. Cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation in post-arrest coma have some predictive value but can be adults. Although not valid immediately after the arrest, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. Mild adjuncts to support a clinical judgement of very poor therapeutic hypothermia to improve the neurologic outcome neurological recovery. Unless an informed, senior opinion has been sought, ● Zandbergen EGJ, de Haan RJ, Stoutenbeek CP, Koelman JHTM, received, and agreed, the decision to resuscitate must always be Hijdra A. Systematic review of early prediction of poor outcome in anoxic-ischaemic coma. However, the number of Respiratory ● Increased ventilation indirect deaths—that is, deaths from medical conditions ● Increased oxygen demand exacerbated by pregnancy—is greater than from conditions ● Reduced chest compliance that arise from pregnancy itself. The use of national guidelines ● Reduced functional residual capacity can decrease mortality, an example being the reduction in the Cardiovascular number of deaths due to pulmonary embolus and sepsis after ● Incompetent gastroesophageal (cardiac) sphincter caesarean section. In order to try and reduce mortality from ● Increased intragastric pressure amniotic fluid embolism, a national database for suspected ● Increased risk of regurgitation cases has been established. Factors peculiar to pregnancy that weigh the balance against survival include anatomical changes that make it Specific difficulties in pregnant patients difficult to maintain a clear airway and perform intubation, Airway pathological changes such as laryngeal oedema, physiological Patient inclined laterally for: factors such as increased oxygen consumption, and an ● Suction or aspiration ● Removing dentures or foreign bodies increased likelihood of pulmonary aspiration. In the third ● Inserting airways trimester the most important factor is compression of the Breathing inferior vena cava and impaired venous return by the gravid ● Greater oxygen requirement uterus when the woman lies supine. These difficulties may be ● Reduced chest compliance exaggerated by obesity. All staff directly or indirectly concerned ● More difficult to see rise and fall of chest with obstetric care need to be trained in resuscitation skills. Once respiratory or cardiac Circulation arrest has been diagnosed the patient must be positioned External chest compression difficult because: appropriately and basic life support started immediately. This ● Ribs flared must be continued while venous access is secured, any obvious ● Diaphragm raised ● Patient obese causal factors are corrected (for example, hypovolaemia), and ● Breasts hypertrophied the necessary equipment, drugs, and staff are assembled. Badly fitting dentures and other foreign bodies should be removed from the mouth and an airway should be inserted. These procedures should be performed with the patient inclined laterally or supine, with the uterus displaced as described on the next page. Breathing In the absence of adequate respiration, intermittent positive pressure ventilation should be started once the airway has been Inclined lateral position using Cardiff wedge cleared; mouth-to-mouth, mouth-to-nose, or mouth-to-airway ventilation should be carried out until a self-inflating bag and mask are available. Ventilation should then be continued with 100% oxygen using a reservoir bag. Because of the increased Anatomical features relevant to difficult risk of regurgitation and pulmonary aspiration of gastric intubation or ventilation contents in late pregnancy, cricoid pressure (see Chapter 6) should be applied until the airway has been protected by ● Full dentition ● Large breasts a cuffed tracheal tube. Observing the rise and fall of the chest in such patients is also more difficult. Circulation Circulatory arrest is diagnosed by the absence of a palpable pulse in a large artery (carotid or femoral). Chest compressions at the standard rate (see Chapter 1) and ratio of 15:2 are given. Chest compression on a pregnant woman is made difficult by flared ribs, raised diaphragm, obesity, and breast hypertrophy. Because the diaphragm is pushed cephalad by the abdominal contents the hand position for chest compressions should similarly be moved up the sternum, although currently no guidelines suggest exactly how far.

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