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By G. Riordian. MacMurray College. 2018.

Stimulated PRA of 12 ng/mL/h or more Preparation of patients for this test is vital; ideally patients Absolute increase in PRA of 10 ng/mL/h or more should discontinue their antihypertensive m edications purchase kamagra effervescent 100mg with mastercard erectile dysfunction after radiation treatment for prostate cancer, m aintain Percent increase in PRA a diet adequate in salt 100mg kamagra effervescent with amex erectile dysfunction zyprexa, and have good renal function. A baseline Increase in PRA of 150% if baseline PRA >3 ng/mL/h blood pressure and PRA are obtained after which captopril is Increase in PRA of 400% if baseline PRA <3 ng/mL/h adm inistered; 60 m inutes after captopril adm inistration, a “post- captopril” PRA is obtained along with repeat m easurem ents of blood pressure. Early reports with this test indicated a high sensi- tivity and specificity (95% to 100% ) in identifying RVH T if all FIGURE 3-18 three of the renin criteria listed here were m et. Subsequent The captopril test: renin criteria that distinguish patients with reports have not been as encouraging such that the overall sensi- renovascular hypertension from those with essential hypertension. A, TcDPTA tim e-activity curves during asym m etry of renal size and function and on specific, captopril- baseline. B, TcDPTA tim e-activity curves after captopril adm inis- induced changes in the renogram, including delayed time to maximal tration. These curves represent a captopril renogram in a patient activity (≥11 m inutes), significant asym m etry of the peak of each with unilateral left renal artery stenosis. This diagnostic test has been kidney, m arked cortical retention of the radionuclide, and m arked used to screen for renal artery stenosis and to predict renovascular reduction in the calculated glom erular filtration rate of the kidney hypertension. Captopril renography appears to be highly sensitive ipsilateral to the stenosis. O ne m ust interpret the clinical and reno- and specific for detecting physiologically significant renal artery graphic data with caution, as protocols are com plex and diagnostic stenosis. Scintigrams and time-activity curves should both be analyzed criteria are not well standardized. N evertheless, captopril renogra- to assess renal perfusion, function, and size. If the renogram following phy appears to be an im provem ent over the captopril provocation captopril administration is abnormal (panel B, demonstrating delayed test, with m any reports indicating sensitivity and specificity from time to maximal activity and retention of the radionuclide in the right 80% to 95% in predicting an im provem ent in blood pressure kidney), another renogram may be obtained without captopril for following intervention. The diagnosis of renal artery stenosis is based on with perm ission. A brief duration of moderately severe hypertension is the m ost im portant clue Low (<1%) PRA M oderate (≈5%–15%) High (>25%) directing subsequent work-up for RVHT. Alternatively, in patients highly suspected to have RVHT, a captopril Captopril test, or captopril renogram, or stimulated renal vein renins, renogram followed by a renal arteriogram or (? Strong argum ents against RVHT include 1) long duration (more than 5 years) of hypertension, 2) old age, No further work-up Negative Positive Arteriogram + renal 3) generalized atherosclerosis, 4) increased vein renins serum creatinine, and 5) a normal serum potassium concentration. For these patients, particularly if the blood pressure is only mini- FIGURE 3-20 mally elevated or easily controlled with one or Suggested work-up for renovascular hypertension. Because the prevalence of renovascular hyper- two antihypertensive medications, further tension (RVHT) among hypertensive persons in general is approximately 2% or less, widespread work-up for RVHT is not indicated. Despite the proliferation of diagnostic tests from M ann and Pickering; with permission. This patient presented in 1977 with a recent appearance of hypertension and a blood pressure of 170/115 m m H g. Three years previously, when diagnosed with polycythem ia vera, an IVP was norm al. She was fol- lowed closely between 1974 and 1977 by her physician and was always norm otensive until the hypertension suddenly appeared. A repeat rapid sequence IVP dem onstrated a reduction in the size of the left kidney from 14 cm in height (1974) to 11. The renal arteriogram shown here indi- cates high-grade bilateral renal artery stenosis with the left kidney m easuring 11. Renal vein renins were obtained and lateralized strongly to the sm aller left kidney. The blood pressure was well controlled with inderal and chlorthalidone. Right aortorenal reim plantation was undertaken solely to preserve renal function. Blood pressure continued to require antihypertensive m edication, but was controlled to norm al levels with inderal and chlorthalidone. Renovascular Hypertension and Ischemic Nephropathy 3. This figure describes eight patients hospitalized because of severe hypertension and renal insufficiency.

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Proceed with evaluation Evaluation of Prospective Donors and Recipients 12 best kamagra effervescent 100mg erectile dysfunction at age 26. Discourage transplantation 60 No 50 History of TB or Consider prophylactic positive PPD Yes 40 treatment without adequate CM V r/d n therapy? An active potentially life-threatening infection is a contraindication to transplantation cheap kamagra effervescent 100 mg online impotence aids. Patients with human immun- odeficiency virus (HIV) are usually not candidates for transplantation. FIGURE 12-4 Patients with a history of tuberculosis (TB) or a positive purified Assessing the risks of cytom egalovirus (CM V) infection after trans- protein derivative (PPD) skin test who have not been adequately plantation. CM V is a m ajor cause of m orbidity and m ortality after treated should generally receive prophylactic therapy. The incidence and severity of CM V are associated Kasiske and coworkers. As shown in these data from the United N etwork for O rgan Sharing Scientific Registry, the rate of graft survival tends to be less in recipients of kidneys from donors who test positive for CM V infection. The serologic status of both the donor and recipient is often used to determ ine which patients are candidates for prophylactic or pre- em ptive anti-CM V therapy after transplantation. Although the risk for recurrence of the underlying renal disease is rarely great enough to preclude transplantation, patients and physicians m ust be aware of this risk. In som e cases it m ay be prudent to delay transplan- Renal disease Yes tation until the underlying disease is quiescent. No Proceed with Avoid evaluation transplantation 12. As shown in these data from 90 the United Network for Organ Sharing 3072 685 31 411 Scientific Registry, 3-year graft survival rates 80 5421 in groups of patients with different underly- 1058 39 41 70 ing causes of renal failure vary substantially. Graft survival rates for patients with diseases that may recur 40 in the transplanted kidney varied from 60% to 83%. Of course, most of these differences 30 in graft survival may be due to factors associ- ated with the underlying cause of renal failure 20 (eg, cardiovascular disease) and not disease recurrence itself. M embranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (M PGN), scleroderma, IgA nephropathy, and diabetes generally cause graft failure only after several years. Numbers above bars indi- cate number of patients who had that disease. No No No Yes Toxic drug or Discontinue alcohol Elevated Yes No enzymes? Consider biopsy Yes Elevated TIBC No and treatment or ferritin No Elect Yes Severe disease Yes Consider M easure HBsAg biopsy? Patients with cholecystitis should be considered for cholecystectom y. For other patients with signs and sym ptom s of liver disease, poten- tial hepatic toxins should be considered. The incidence of liver dis- ease from iron deposition has declined with the dim inishing use of FIGURE 12-8 blood transfusions in dialysis patients, but m ay be seen occasionally Viral hepatitis. Patients whose test results are positive for anti- in patients with a high total iron binding capacity (TIBC) or ferritin. A liver biopsy should be considered for all patients with antigen (H BsAg) and hepatitis C virus (H CV) antibodies. Both hepatitis C virus (H CV) antibodies or hepatitis B surface antigen. Patients with severe chronic active hepatitis or cirrhosis on biopsy Fortunately, the incidence of hepatitis B is declining am ong patients generally are not candidates for renal transplantation unless sim ul- with renal disease, largely as a result of the use of effective vaccina- taneous liver transplantation is being considered. Although no statistically significant effect of H CV on graft above (anti–H CV negative) and below (anti–H CV positive) survival was seen, patient survival was significantly dim inished survival curves indicate the num ber of patients at risk during am ong those who tested positive for H CV after transplantation. The relative risk after transplantation associat- N ot all investigators have confirm ed these findings. No No No Yes Smoking High Yes Yes Currently Stress test Imaged coronary smoking? No No Yes No No Risk factor Yes Revascularization Severe lung Yes intervention successful? W ait until adequate disease on resolution with therapy No function tests? No Reconsider Evaluate transplantation for CHF candidacy Proceed with evaluation FIGURE 12-11 FIGURE 12-10 Ischem ic heart disease (IH D).

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